This is a picture of Graham enjoying an artichoke leaf- he munched on quite a few of them, and with his two little teeth, he did some damage. I am sure I did not let Gwen eat artichoke this early; I find the second time around there are many concessions I make. Part of it is I feel more confident making my own decisions, versus consulting the experts on what I
should be doing. And lot of it is an attempt to guard my sanity, what will get us through dinner (sharing inappropriate food with the baby), through this car trip (getting french fries), through the night (sleeping together). It isn't necessarily bad. We all had our first family swim class this past Saturday- no pictures because we had one parent in the pool with Gwen and one with Graham. Both babies loved their swim class. Gwen wasn't as adventurous as she was the end of last summer, but I am sure she will warm up to the pool in the coming weeks. Graham enjoyed splashing and floating on his back kicking and watching big sister and the other children. As of this weekend Graham can stand leaning against something (and spotted of course)- his little legs are strong enough to hold up his body! He also has taken to dancing, moving his upper body side to side, with or without music :-) Last week was a challenge as Gwen starting having daily accidents, no naps, and perfected a deliciously defiant "
NO!" and got a bit mischievous. Some highlights include stepping on her brothers head, rubbing the new hand soap (she broke the other two) over her body calling it lotion, shoving the replacement bar soap down the drain, 'cleaning' her room with a whole thing of wet wipes while having quiet time in lieu of a nap. It doesn't sound so bad now, but man, I thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown!
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