Graham (and Gwen) picked up Roseolla somewhere over the weekend or late last week. Roseolla is a childhood ailment consisting of a high fever followed by a non-itching rash that starts on the belly then moves to the extremities. For us, thank goodness, it wasn't that big of a deal (some babies get seizures from the high fever), but I never noticed enough of a fever for me to even take their temp! The rash never left Gwen's torso, and Graham got it all over, except his legs- but it was so mild, he just looked a little blotchy or flushed. The on-call pediatrician said it was most likely Roseola or a similar viral rash. Graham wasn't feeling well all weekend but I chalked it up to teething and not sleeping well because of it. His top front left tooth erupted yesterday, but is so swollen you can't fee it. On his 7 month birthday we also moved him out of his infant car seat. He is now riding in style in the Britax Advocate, similar to Gwen's Boulevard but with side impact cushions.

In other news, I cut my hair! I may have to invest in a straight iron, if only I had the time to style it! I am also signed up for Baby Boot Camp for the summer and H2O Aerobics (as Malia calls it :-) I am looking forward to feeling like a real person again!

Omg! I love the haircut. ~Angelique
So sorry to hear the kiddos were sick. I love your hair cut! It's super dooper cute.
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