Graham's first tooth cut through yesterday (bottom front left). I have been going on for a while about how I am sure he is teething, well now I know exactly what him teething looks like, and it isn't pretty. The last few nights he would wake up screaming, and would have a hard time settling down. Last night he screamed for about 40 minutes (I think until the tylenol kicked in, and he pooped which also seemed to make him happy :-) It was horrible. He rarely cries, so for him to be crying in pain, and inconsolable no less, was hard (besides the fact it was 2am). I don't remember Gwen being as intense with her teething...
1 comment:
hey ambrosia!
have you tried the homeopathic remedy? not sure of the name...but it supposedly works.
also, diluted clove oil applied right to the area of pain will almost instantly stop it.
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