Graham had his 6 month well baby visit this morning. He weighs in at 19lbs 1.5oz, not quite 20 lbs (73rd percentile) and had a significant growth spurt in length at 2ft 3.5inches (81st percentile). He has less than 3 inches to go before he outgrows his car seat (and 3 lbs), so we will likely be saying good bye to the infant bucket seat soon. He didn't get any vaccines today since he has a little head cold; and when he does get them, I think I will space them out a bit so as not to bombard his little system. He is eating one meal a day, and I am going to try and work in a second. He loves to eat, but only eats about a tablespoon at a time. I remembered banana can be binding, and since he only poops about once a week, I started mixing his cereal with applesauce. I am going to get some prunes and make a little baby prune puree to help his little bowels move. He has one and a half tooth and seems to be working on a top tooth. He is doing well in the sleep department. While I still have him sleeping in our bed, he often falls asleep on his own. He is starting to have a more difficult time napping out and about, so we are all trying to go to sleep a little earlier so we can wake up a little earlier, and Graham can get in a little nap before we head out for our morning activities. He still nurses quite a bit at night- after his 4-5 hour stretch, he then nurses every hour usually. Graham can sit up independently (with the Boppy pillow behind him in case of a fall), he can move objects from one hand to the other, he can roll which ever way (though shows little interest in doing so). I don't see him being mobile anytime soon, which is fine with me. I can't believe it has already been six months!
Gwen was exactly the same weight at 6 months! Just a tad shorter.

ADORABLE pictures, sweetie. Remember what I told you about height. For a girl double the height at 18 months old, and for a boy double the height at 24 months old. It's an old wives tale, but it worked for us (my mom's kids) and it worked for Daniel too. Love you.
oh, looks like some cute red hair coming in!
I just realized that's how old Daniel was when I met you. It's such a fun age...Easy smiles. And laughs.
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