Well, today I reached a milestone in Motherhood: I locked the baby in the car. I debated whether or not to share this, but I am not ashamed. Tired: yes. Flustered: often. Disorganized: most of the time. I blame this evenings adventure on all of the above and baby-wearing. I went to the grocery store at 9pm and knew Graham was tired, so I thought I would wear him in the Ergo carrier so he could sleep if he wanted to. I got my reusable grocery bags out of the trunk, put my wallet and keys in the bag, took my sweater off, set it all down on the floor of the car in front of Graham while I strapped on the Ergo. It was about this time the car next to me needed to pull out. I closed the passenger door most of the way and stood in front of it while I strapped on the Ergo and the other car pulled out. I went to open the car door and realized it was partially shut, but not open enough to engage the handle...and I had already locked the car...My cell phone lives inside my wallet, which was with my keys, all in my reusable shopping bag on the car floor. Rather than feeling panicky, I just felt so silly and stereotypical. The staff in the store let me use their phone, and since Spencer couldn't leave Gwen and can't drive with her in the Jeep, our friend Malia picked up the spare set of keys and dropped them off for me (thanks Malia!). Luckily we all live close to the store, and our winters aren't snowy (though there was a bitter wind blowing and I had on a tank top). Graham didn't cry (otherwise I probably would have been a wreck). He seemed fairly satisfied with me periodically making faces and baby talk at him through the car window. Rather than getting down on myself for orchestrating this mishap, I am comforted that in 2 years and almost 5 months, I didn't once lock anyone in the car, or lock anyone out of it- it took me that long to reach this milestone in motherhood.
So happy to hear you're not freaking out about this. Everyone seems fine after it all and I'm glad you can almost laugh at the experience and say well THAT happened.
You handled it like a champ! Thank you for posting because I am sure the day will come when I may do this and I will need to remember how to keep my cool. Good job!
Ambrosia, it happens to everyone sooner or later. Glad it wasn't too painful of an experience.
I love this quote: "Tired: yes. Flustered: often. Disorganized: most of the time." Sums up parenthood quite well. :)
You should call Hosanna and swap war stories.
It's one reason I like our CRV. It only locks when all the doors are closed via the remote. (Unless you're inside, and all the doors are closed, and you push the lock.)
Congrats on reaching your "milestone." ;)
I don't believe I ever did that with Daniel or Cadence, but I did go into the garage before taking her to daycare when she had just turned 3, and the garage door shut and was locked behind me. Cady took that opportunity to try on some new shoes all by herself, while I banged on the backyard door. When she never responded, boy did panic! Then she came running down the hall to show me the shoes she put on all by herself. I was able to persuade her to open the back door! WHEW. I had considered calling the police to knock it down if she wouldn't have responded by the time she did.
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