Graham's physical growth seems to have slowed down ever so slightly, but he is developing in so many ways, especially the last few weeks. He can almost sit unassisted, and can sit well enough to be at the table, or in high chair, or in a swing, which he did for the first time a few weeks ago at the park. He also seems like more of a sentient being, laughing when things are funny, looking worried/concerned at loud noises (but not crying), and watching intently as Gwen and her friends play. He seems to need something more the last few weeks, and has been a little fussier than usual. I thought maybe he was wanting to eat so we tried that on his 5 month birthday, but he isn't ready. He was interested in the spoon, but still has a tongue thrust reflex, and at one point nursed the spoon like it was a nipple. I assumed we would wait until 6 months to introduce solids, but thought maybe this would help calm him down- nope. So I am back to the assumption he is just teething, badly. His bottom front gum is swollen on the sides, and shallow in the center where his bottom front teeth could pop through. Though this has been the case for weeks, and I think it was around 3 months that I thought he was teething. I looked back to at
Gwen's 5 month update and it could have been the same for Graham. He wears the same star outfit (maybe that's why I love it) and he also recently got into the exersaucer. I actually think it was the introduction of the exersaucer a few weeks ago (thank you Kristen!) that blew his mind right open. He loves it!
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