Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Chunky Monkey

Graham had his 2 month check up today. I knew he was a big boy, he has been nursing since day one like a milk fiend- I call him my little barnacle, but I was happily surprised when he weighed in at 14lbs 7oz! Hip Hip hooray for Mama's milk! That puts him in the 90th percentile for weight and a full pound heavier than Gwen at this age. I knew that boys tend to be bigger than girls, I am just glad he was smaller than his sister at birth :-) He is exactly 2ft long (75th percentile) which makes him a little chunky monkey. One thing I thought would be different about having a boy is cleaning the diaper area...and sure enough, poor little guy has his first fungal infection and I had to buy him jock itch cream (per his Pediatrician's recommendation).
Graham had his first trip to the Zoo a few weeks ago, though I think he will appreciate it more as he gets older ;-)


Unknown said...

I love the little peacock!

deb said...

Love the picture of the two little ones - Gwen look pretty happy with her little brother. The peacock one is priceless! Glad things are going well.

Keri said...

WHat an adorable lil monkey and peacock you have.

Anonymous said...

Wow, 2 months already! Your little monkey is adorable! ~Emily