You are an amazing baby and we are starting to see little glimpses of the person you are. You definitely love your Mama, and on those days that are really challenging, you light up my face too :-) Your big sister makes you laugh and also puzzles you. Daddy is a curious thing with all that hair, but you love being rocked in those big arms. You are a serious baby, but quick to smile. You don't like to be alone, though can entertain yourself sucking on your fingers/fist staring at your fish or animals, or on your gymini for quite some time (like upwards of 30 minutes!). You can easily flip over from your tummy to your back now, which is helpful in escaping big sister's enthusiastic play ;-) You are super cuddly, and that is lovely. You will sleep all night as long as you aren't wet (sleeping in disposable diapers now since they last all night) and as long as the boob is near. And we really appreciate your 3-4 hour afternoon naps. We love you Graham!
P.S. Thank you Malia for taking our Holiday photo this year!

Happy 3 months Graham! You sound like an incredible person who is surrounded by such a loving family! Cute pics to boot! :-)
He is so very serious! Glad to hear you're doing well. Gwen looks like quite the "helper"!
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