We have just been hanging around at home, sleeping, eating, diaper change, sleeping eating, diaper change. Sandee just left today and now we have to pull it together to feed ourselves (and keep our house in a somewhat livable state ;-) these first few days would not have been as pleasant without her help. Graham is just a sweetheart. So far he only cries during diaper changes and when he wants to nurse. I am going to start pumping a little so Spencer can give him a bottle every now and then (nice bonding time for Daddy, and break for Mama- a win win). Gwen has been so excited, as one might imagine, and didn't nap Thursday and Friday, which led to some uncharacteristic naughty behavior. But she napped today, and I think she is calming down. She loves having Daddy home and her and Spencer have been spending a lot of time together. And she loves her little brother and keeps asking to , "Hold it?" We are trying to get her t say
him. Graham is gaining weight well and his jaundice has let up (we just need to make sure he gets a little sunshine every day). We took him out for coffee on Thursday after his newborn club check up, and out to breakfast this morning, and then grocery shopping this afternoon. He is, so far, super portable. It makes me very hopeful that I will be able to manage him and Gwen at all our weekly activities we usually do. Will post more photos and birth story soon.
what an adorable family!
Gwen is so cute with "it."
So happy to hear that things are going well and I look forward to your birth story! I have about 2 weeks to go!
Again, so happy for all of you!
Gwen looks so grown up! Graham is so cute - glad things are going well.
They are so sweet together! I love the pics. They made me teary eyed! We can't wait to meet Graham soon!
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