Gwen had her first visit to the dentist 9/1! She met with our current dentist's wife who isn't technically a pediatric dentist, but is good with children. Gwen got a little freaked out while we waited since she could hear the loud noises of the patient before us getting his teeth cleaned. She has been to the office before; she came with us our appointment last month when we took turns having our teeth cleaned. When it was Gwen's turn she sat on my lap on the exam chair and let the dentist look in her mouth and tolerated a brief cleaning with cherry toothpaste, and brisk application of strawberry fluoride. There were some tears and Gwen said, "All done- tickles." But apparently it tickled in a bad way. The dentist noted that she has stains in the crevices of her back bottom molars- apparently her crevices are very deep. She said that to prevent them from turning into cavities to keep sweets (including raisins and dried fruit) to one sitting, rather than grazing, since sweets change the PH of your mouth allowing bad bacteria to breed- if I understood her correctly ;-) And then when they are limited to one sitting you can brush afterward. Gwen may have to get sealants when she is a bit older to protect her teeth from cavities- even though they are baby teeth, she will have them for a while. The dentist also said she tends to have more successful visits with children closer to age 3, but we are going back in 6 months for a check up. Between now and then we are going to work on brushing more frequently and practicing spitting so she can start using real toothpaste instead of the baby toothpaste which as far as I can tell is just a tasty gel.
1 comment:
Great to see the updates, hon. Been thinking of you a lot. Saw on FB that you had a shower. Sorry we missed it, would have been a great time for Cadence to meet up with Gwen again, and for us to get together. Hope you had a wonderful birthday.
Looks like life is good.
Daniel and Sarah just got back from a fun convention in Georgia. So happy he is happy. We're still waiting for Melody...started as about a 2 year wait....almost 4 years ago. Looks now like it is starting to be an 18 month to 2 year wait. It's hard on Cadence. This has been forever for her, and she doesn't see Mommy's body changing. Oh well..it is what it is. But I LOVE being a mom a second time around! I still wonder what I did to deserve her. Must have done something right. haha
Would love to catch up again soon. But for now, it seems its only thru glimpses of blogs.
Love to you.
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