I missed doing a 17 month update, and now Gwen is almost 18 months. Rest assured she continues to be amazing. She is talking a lot- seriously new words every day- yesterday she started saying "All done," and today she said bucket- though her words aren't always clear to the untrained ear. I had to put all her 18 month clothes away and pull out her 24 months and 2T clothes since she is growing like a weed! And the last pair of shoes I bought her were a size 6 (which leaves her toes with a little room to grow). She has a great sense of humor and is so much fun. She has cut way back on her nursing (3-4 times a day) and is eating like she has a hollow leg. Now that the weather is nice we have been spending a lot of time in the front and backyards. She keeps picking flowers saying "Nose! Nose!"- evidence of my efforts to get her to smell the flowers not pick them. But why else are they there, to be enjoyed and she is loving them!
She looks so much more grown up from just the last time I saw her. I think 18 months is my favorite age. They are so fun. Let's try to visit soon.
This is the really fun age. They're so full of life, love, enjoyment, entertainment, and cuteness.
Thanks for the update and new pics! I can't wait to see her again!
How is mommy feeling?
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