The saying goes that March is in like a lion and out like a lamb. With February being such a short month, March sneaks up on you....then lasts 31 days. I have found myself surprised on more than one occasion that, "Whoa, it is already March," and "Man, it is still March!?!" I am anxious for the month to be over because I gave myself a deadline of being able to walk unassisted by the end of March. It looks like I will be walking with a cane for short trips, and my walker for long trips. A long trip would be a walk to my neighborhood Starbucks (0.4 miles one way) and a short trip...from the couch to the bathroom. I am also anxious for the month to end because that means Gwen will be 6 months and we can
start solids! I am so excited about her eating 'real' food and can't wait to feed her on her half birthday (don't worry, we will post a video).
These pics are from Gwen's first experience on a swing (on the first day of Spring). She was really distracted by the kids playing, then realized that there was something funny going on (i.e she was swinging). She lasted a few minutes before getting tired/overwhelmed by the whole thing. We then all went for a walk through this amazing park,
Dracena Quary Park, in Piedmont, not far from Kaiser in Oakland.
Yeeeaaa! See you are a great mom, taking your kid to the park and all. I'm impressed. I can't wait to see the photos/video of her eating real food and of you walking around.
How did you get your facebook info on your blog?
It's really amazing to look at her first few months of pictures and compare them to today: she has grown so much! I can't wait to see her again, hopefully SOON!
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