Graham was born one year ago today! What an amazing day that was, and every day since has been incredible (in various ways). He is almost walking; standing hands free, walking holding onto hands, cruising. He is talking a little;
uh-oh, sometimes
hi, sometimes
bye, and
nigh-nigh when he goes to bed. I am suspicious he is calling Gwen
Neh-Neh (I often call her Gwen-Gwen or Gwenie at home). He crawls around the house calling out
Neh-Neh. He points and waves, does the sign for milk and all done, and is starting to grasp the sign for more (claps his hands). He still nurses like a newborn at night, but eats most foods. I thought he didn't want to be spoon fed anymore, but have since discovered he likes the consistency of chunky puree, but the flavor of adult food (and is a huge fan of quinoa). He has been such a cuddly baby, and continues to be super sweet leaning in for kisses and hugs, resting his head on your shoulder. Now that big sister is in preschool two mornings a week, Graham and I have been going to Gymkids. He is the youngest in the class, and it is during his naptime so there is some crankiness and nursing, but he loves playing with all the different sized balls, and watching the other children climb and play (all 12-18 months old, but Graham is the only non-walker). I am so glad he gets to have this time with me and with the other kids his own age. He is such an amazing little man, and I can't wait to see more of his personality blossom in his second year. Happy Birthday Graham!
1 comment:
Happy Birthday, Happy Little Man!
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