On the drive home Gwen asked, "Who is that Man?" There was a young man on the corner with a cardboard sign that read, "Homeless. Hungry. Anything will help." Wow. Everyone else stopped at the red light was ignoring him and he had actually folded up his sign and was just standing there. I told her that he didn't have any money to buy lunch and was asking for some help. I was initially proud of my quick thinking, but then felt a little lost. This was likely confusing to Gwen; why weren't we helping him.... I was two lanes over and the light was about to turn green, otherwise I would have given him the $2 in my wallet. I think he must of also looked like he needed more help than just a free lunch. Or maybe the idea that there is someone out there who doesn't have money, or access to food just doesn't compute in her little head. As we drove away we talked about how maybe next time we see someone who needs help "buying lunch" we can share our snack. Now I need to decide if we really should drive around with a flat of water and box of granola bars to handout at intersections... we just might. Gwen is a girl of action and compassion.

interesting blog post. being young and innocent, as well as a "girl of action", means she will most likely desire to help everyone she sees. ah, but the adults have the "benefit" of street experience telling us that not everyone holding a sign is truly in need; they are occasionally scammers and that has jaded some (me included) into not wanting to contribute.
WOW you got her plate back already? We're still waiting for ours.
I have decided over the years that it isn't my concern if they are trying to scam someone or not - whenever I see someone asking I give them a few dollars and then afterward Levi and say a simple prayer for them "dear God help them. Amen". In the overall scheme of things two dollars may be nothing to me - but being seen and heard just a little might mean something to them. - Sunshine
I know Ambrosia's dad gave to everyone he saw, EVER, with a hand out. And in a way, that's admirable. I, however, never give money to beggars on the street. Not because they might or not need it, but to be honest, if they can stand on the street for 8 hours straight daily, they can get temp work somewhere. And giving them money on the corner only encourages them to stay in their current "funk".
I have, however, filled gas tanks with my gas card, when approached; filled gas cans when approached-and come back with the can; and have purchased a second sandwich or cup of coffee when approached outside a deli/coffee house; and spontaneously purchased dog food at Walmart when I've seen someone in a van with a dog, obviously living in the van. And we have a charity (Half the Sky) that we donate to yearly. Im not hard hearted, but I do not think giving hand outs to people who make a living of it is really helping.
What to say to children, on the other hand, is another story.
-after living with an alcoholic, and knowing what they do with spare change, I do not want to give money to someone who might/or might not use it for food or shelter. But I will give them something of substance that will benefit them, when I can.
great things to think about and hooray for Gwen and preschool! How nice it might be for you to have a few hours here and there with just one baby who will hopefully sleep for you.
Her preschool looks really fun.
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