Wednesday, June 22, 2011
9 months: Say Cheese!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Teething Biscuits, Not Just for Babies

I made teething biscuits for Graham using a recipe online. Gwen loved them and they went fast, so I went to make another batch but couldn't find the recipe, and was out of the baby cereal it called for anyway. Wholesome Baby has a bunch of different recipes, but none fit my criteria (no sugar added, no eggs)- so I made up my own recipe. Gwen enjoyed helping to roll out the dough and she picked out a star shape and a dinosaur shape- the points are great for little teeth (or gums) to gnaw on- but watch out, they sometimes break off in little mouths so don't leave teething baby unattended. And as an endorsement, at our playdate this morning all four toddlers gobbled up a biscuit each, with one asking for seconds. Teething biscuits, not just for babies anymore!
Ambrosia’s Star Teething Biscuit
2 cups whole wheat flour
½ cup wheat germ
½ cup oat bran
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon baking powder
1 cup pureed banana (3 small bananas)
1 cup unfiltered apple juice
½ cup vegetable oil
½ teaspoon vanilla
Mix together dry ingredients. Mix together wet ingredients. Add wet ingredients to dry and stir well. The dough will be wet. Add extra flour as needed until dough can be formed into a ball in center of bowl. Refrigerate at least one hour. Roll out dough, cut into shapes. Bake 350 for 40 minutes. For a crispier biscuit, try baking at a lower temperature for a longer period of time. Let cool completely and store in an airtight container.
Monday, June 6, 2011
End of School Year and Other Observations

On the drive home Gwen asked, "Who is that Man?" There was a young man on the corner with a cardboard sign that read, "Homeless. Hungry. Anything will help." Wow. Everyone else stopped at the red light was ignoring him and he had actually folded up his sign and was just standing there. I told her that he didn't have any money to buy lunch and was asking for some help. I was initially proud of my quick thinking, but then felt a little lost. This was likely confusing to Gwen; why weren't we helping him.... I was two lanes over and the light was about to turn green, otherwise I would have given him the $2 in my wallet. I think he must of also looked like he needed more help than just a free lunch. Or maybe the idea that there is someone out there who doesn't have money, or access to food just doesn't compute in her little head. As we drove away we talked about how maybe next time we see someone who needs help "buying lunch" we can share our snack. Now I need to decide if we really should drive around with a flat of water and box of granola bars to handout at intersections... we just might. Gwen is a girl of action and compassion.