I can't believe Graham is 8 months and that May is just about over. He is definelty becoming his own little person. He can yell and screech for fun with the best of them (i.e. Gwen). He is practicing techniques for future tantrums by throwing his head back while arching his back repeatedly when he gets upset (combined with yelling or screeching in anger). He requires sustenance when he sees others eating. I made him teething biscuits which he politely nibbles on before chucking in favor of chewing on a plastic spoon, or some other object. Out of desperation I gave him a piece of super crusty crust from a piece of homemade bread, and he loved that. Pieces flake off a little bit bigger than he can tolerate swallowing, but God forbid you take his toast away! He is working on having more textured food. He continues to love eating, but not eating very much. His biggest achievement, he has developed the pincer grasp! I took this as an invitation to start some finger foods (brown rice crispies). He does have four teeth now, both front top and bottom, but doesn't seem to get the whole chewing thing. When the little bits make it into his mouth, he usually ends up spitting them out after moving them around in his mouth for a while. Everyone has been sick over the past few weeks (it has been rough, not gonna lie) and he picked up a nasty head cold and cough, which he still has a little rattle in his chest and a runny nose. We did a trip to the pediatrician since Gwen had an ear infection (first course of antibiotics in her 2 years and 8months, so not too bad). I had Graham checked out too, just to make sure he wasn't getting an ear infection too; no just a head cold. But he weighed in at 20lbs and some change and the nurse commented on how long he was. He really looked like a monster baby on that little scale. His arms seem especially long, the sleeves of his jammies usually come up an inch or so short of his fat baby wrists. He has what I call, Go-Go Gadget arms, you don't realize how long and dextrous they are until they are pulling your cup of coffee toward you, or that plant, or reaching for your fork to poke someone's eye out. Graham is still sleeping with me in bed, and now that his cold is subsiding, nursing about three times a night (totally doable cosleeping, but couldn't imagine otherwise). We went to the Zoo yesterday (sniffles and all) and got to see the baby anteater who was riding around on his Mama's back, and Mama Koala sleeping with her baby in her arms, and it made me feel really good about my decisions with Graham. It is hard for Spencer and I to not share a bed, and it is a physical toll on my body to wear Graham in the baby carrier, but it seems so natural. Someday I will have time to myself, in the meantime I am taking solace in knowing what I am doing now, spending as much time as possible with both my babies, is what is best.
Also, almost forgot to add that he is experimenting with waving hi and bye, and will clap his hands with glee. Gwen has taken on trying to teach him the patty cake song since he gets a kick out of having his hand clapped by someone else. A few times now I have gone in to nurse him and he has clapped his hands for me, in excitement for milk; so sweet!

Good to know that you have a strong nurturing attitude.
Such a cutie pie! Happy 8 months, Graham! This is such an exciting time in motherhood, huh? What a great update! ~Emily
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