We were stuck home most of last week because Gwen had a cough followed by a day of excessive whining that culminated in throwing up at my feet after I complained to Spencer about how whiny she had been all day, followed by more coughing. Spencer was sick throwing up Friday morning (the day he took off to help get stuff together for our Yard Sale) and Graham threw up Friday and Saturday, followed by a feverish Saturday night. So far no vomit for me, but who knows, maybe I am next. The above photo of Gwen was taken on one of her sick days. We have this swing set up in our back yard, and when we pull out her Step 2 slide, she says enthusiastically, "We're at the park! We're at the park!" So being stuck at home, isn't so bad. She would spend all day in that swing if someone would continue to push "Faster, faster!" and "Higher, higher!" We discovered a dove (homing pigeon?) built a nest in the rafter of the 'workshop' close to the swing. Gwen enjoys talking to the pigeon/dove sharing with her all sorts of intimate details of her family and daily life, "This is my brother Graham. That's my Mommy. My name is Gwen. We went to Whole Foods and had broccoli for lunch." You get the idea.

It is May and we have slowly been able to plant our garden (various heirloom tomatoes, two types of eggplant, zucchini, butternut squash, yellow crookneck squash, volunteer squash, and various peppers (mostly crazy hot, but also a fancy variety of sweet pepper). We are still missing our green beans and carrots, but since Graham is now sick and we have to stay home from preschool tomorrow, working in the garden is on the agenda.

Favorite photo of Graham: He is wearing one of my favorite shirts. He know has four teeth (two front top and bottom) and his hair is coming in- though it isn't clear what color it is- but blonde or brown, there are going to be red highlights.

Favorite photo of Gwen: This is Gwen after a long luxurious nap posing with her monkey and Graham's monkey. She often wakes from her nap talking about giraffes and elephants and other animals; I think she dreams about being on safari. The second photo is her look of being deep in thought.