I knew he was getting big since we had to move him into the next size diaper, and he keeps popping the crotch buttons on his 6 months clothes. He weighed in at 17lbs 4 oz (87%) and 25.5 inches (69%). His pediatrician commented about how well Mama's milk is working for him (which made me feel good). The only thing she recommended was that we move him into Gwen's room sooner than later (it is going to be later since Gwen can climb into the crib if she wants and we don't want her to 'help' put Graham to sleep without us). There is some silliness happening in the sleep arena. Graham sleeps really well, and almost never cries at night...but that is because he sleeps with Mama with the boob ever at the ready. This means Daddy sleeps most nights on the futon next to Gwen's bed since she decided she doesn't sleep through the night months ago, and he would rather not have to be up and about at night. As soon as Graham can communicate to big sister not to smother him, they will start sharing a room....not sure when that will be. Graham has become a lot more interested in the world around him, which is fun. He can reach for things, bat at them, sometimes grab and hold on- I have started to make sure I always have a toy for him. He started to spin in circle on his gymini. I wasn't sure how he was doing this until I watched him stick his arm behind him, and like a bird with a clipped wing push off with the other arm...there isn't a whole lot of mobility yet, but he has inched off his gymini mat a few times. He still doesn't know he has feet, but he was trying to get up on his knees during his doctor's appointment and she predicts he will be crawling in no time. With how vocal, social, and active Graham is becoming, he may be taking after his sister. Watch out Mama!

how precious the little man is!! i love all of your descriptions; made me feel as if i was in your home observing. very cool kids you have!
It was fun getting to visit. I love the way Graham flashes huge smiles at me and I sure other people too. I hope you get the sleeping thing figured out so you can all sleep in your own beds all night long.
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