Graham had his first check up a few days ago. We knew he was getting bigger since his little cloth diapers were starting to look like a bikini on him, and his newborn outfits were getting a little tight, but we were still surprised when he weighed in at 10lbs 4.5 oz (78th percentile)- that is a gain of just over a pound a week! He is 21.5 inches long (65th percentile). Graham is meeting his little newborn milestones and can push up with his little arms when on his belly and lift his not so little head (I think he is growing a Studley cranium). He continues to be super sweet and only cries when he needs a new diaper and is hungry (or gassy). Though, he does like to be held, which is getting more and more difficult since Spencer went back to work Monday. I have mastered the art of chasing after a toddler, and all that entails, while holding a breastfeeding infant. This photo was taken 10/1 (on Gwen's birthday) at our music playdate. this was about the time that he started being awake and alert for longer stretches of time. It is too soon to say, but I think he might have his Mama's blue eyes...we'll see.
Yay! I can't wait to meet him!
He is 100 percentile in cuteness!
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