Shopping with Gwen is a weekly occurrence- here she is hiding from the paparazzi.

Our first big produce from the garden. Last year we had a zumkin, this year we have a volunteer pumpchini (more pumpkin than zucchini).

In an effort to get our finances under control, I now have a food budget (goal at least ;-) and have been meal planning. Every Sunday night I check the cupboards, then the weekly ads and come up with a meal plan and then shopping list. I have had to be a little creative in the kitchen, which I don't mind. This is Easy Peasy Zucchini quiche that I added my own flare to.

Gwen got an early birthday present from Grandma- a tricycle that allows her to peddle if she wants, or sit back and enjoy the ride while being pushed. This thing is awesome! She loves her bike and wearing her helmet, though she hasn't quite figured out the peddling.

We went to a Fourth of July party at our friends house and Gwen, being the only child, got a lot of attention. This is her being cute with an umbrella. She had the mother of all tantrums before we left, but was an angel while we were there (of course).
This is another recipe that I have recently discovered and love: Potato Pancakes with Avocado Salsa. I served it with a green salad with hard boiled egg to complete the meal (got to get in the protein and greens!).
We have started to slowly get ready for little brother's arrival. There really isn't that much to do, especially this early, but I did go through the clothes I have already accumulated for him. This is a picture of his wardrobe comprised of a donation of hand me downs from his little cousin Thor who is a summer baby but had a lot of winter clothes given to my Uncle and his girlfriend, the grandmas who have started shopping for their first grandson, and from Gwen's gender neutral clothes. He is pretty much set with clothes in the 0-9 months sizes :-)

This photo is Spencer and Gwen on a bike ride in Cambria before bedtime. We met my sister and her husband last weekend for a lovely mini vacation on the Central Coast. Angel found this great cottage with an organic garden, outdoor tub, and nest. Check out this link to Cambria Cottage. We had a great time; it truly felt like a vacation, which was nice.
Well, it is almost midnight and I have my Water Exercise class tomorrow morning (I go every Saturday). Gwen also has a swim class which she does with Spencer. I have been trying not too stay up late because the less sleep I get the more sore I am and the more cranky I get, and a cranky Mama is no fun. I also have been napping with Gwen during the day (well she naps in her big girl bed, and I nap in my Mama bed). And between sleeping, eating, and taking care of business around the house, as well as all our playdates and classes, I haven't had much time to update our blog, but I will try and be better. I realize it is one of the few ways I keep in touch with people these days. As Gwen would say, "Night, night."