Happy April Fools! Just kidding, our ultrasound is scheduled for April 22nd and we will find out the sex of the baby then.
A few people were asking how I have been doing. Much better now that I am into my 2nd trimester. Though I am having serious lower back pain. Friday it came to the point that it hurt to walk and hurt to sit. I saw a chiropractor Monday and I have a pinched nerve on my S1. I feel much better now but still can feel where my back is out and need to make sure I don't over due it. I am going to see the chiro until I feel 100% since I don't want any extra complications during labor (goal is natural childbirth again). And I felt the baby move for the first time last night! Today is Gwen's 1/2 birthday and we are going to have a special dessert (strawberry shortcake) in honor of her, since we may not end up doing much for her actual birthday (depending on when her sibling arrives). Happy half birthday Gwen!