Tuesday, September 29, 2009
12 Months!

Thursday, September 24, 2009
Night of the Walking Gwen
The much anticipated Gwen walking video (from 3 nights ago). She is wearing her pajamas and a poncho our friend Rachel made her for her birthday (thanks Rachel!). She grabbed the poncho out of the gift bag in her room and put it on herself.

I love this picture :-) She has great teeth and has started using her toothbrush (though this usually devolves into her chewing on the bristles and trying to rip them out).

I was getting breakfast together when Gwen came to explore the fridge and grabbed a strawberry. She did this once before- Spencer looked down and she was already eating it. So this morning I thought I would let her go at it. After nibbling the green bits she decided to squeeze the life out of it in her baby fist.
Gwen got into my knitting and played with this ball of yarn for a significantly long time. I like the zombie baby walk she does. This video was taken 10 days ago.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Prolific Figs and Whatnot
This September has been so productive and by that I mean crazy busy! I am officially back to school part time working on my Masters in Public Administration at NDNU. I have a Thursday night class- Human Resources Management which is surprising very interesting, and Tuesdays are my homework night were I escape to Red Rock in Mountain View (I like them because they are a non-profit coffee shop). It has been so nice to rejoin the realm of intellectual conversation.
Gwen and I started GymKids this month which is a lot of fun! It is basically a padded room with baby obstacle courses, providing a safe environment for bay to explore and try things you normally would be freaked out about. Gwen walked across this horizontal ladder holding my hand which was amazing- oh, did I mention Gwen started walking!!!!!! She has been taking a few steps since she was about 10.5 months, but she up and walked across the room on my birthday (Monday 9/7). Hopefully I will get it together to post some walking baby zombie video soon.
We ALSO started our second session of Music Together which looks to be a good group of Mom’s and babies and I love the teacher- I am still warming up to the new music. AND Gwen has been doing Parent/Tot swim with Spencer on Saturdays this month which his super cute.
Needless to say we have been busy!
Regarding the Figs- our friends Amanda and Nelson have been sharing with us their very plentiful harvest of Mission figs and what I am going to call California figs (pictured). Gwen loves figs! That is what is squished on the floor in the picture below. I made a ton of fig jam which I must say is pretty good- if anyone is interested we have a lot of it!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009
11 Months and counting- Save the Date!
Save the Date for Sunday October 4th for an awesome party that everyone should enjoy!