We just got back late last night from our trek visiting my East Coast family including my Mom who hadn’t seen Gwen yet. The trip went really well. We got Gwen her own seat on the plane and brought her car seat (now her travel seat!) and I couldn’t imagine having to hold her like a lap baby. Anyone who has spent much time around her, especially these days, knows she is no lap baby. We gave her Tylenol at take off to help any pain in her ears but she seemed fine. We had new toys for her to play with and special snacks and she took two naps, and only one diaper change. Both flights were like this. Not that it was easy, but it was relatively painless. I was just happy there was no screeching at the top of her lungs and Spencer didn’t have to walk her up and down the aisle.
My Mom was so happy to see Gwen and we enjoyed seeing the fireworks together (again Gwen was amazing), going for a picnic at a state park, BBQing at my Uncle Stephen's, and we got pictures done of the 3 generations. Gwen chose the photo shoot to have a complete meltdown (the only one during the trip)- but we still got a good photo out of it (will scan and post later).
We stayed with my Uncle Michael and Aunt Deb in Hampton, NH (we are so grateful for their hospitality!). We spent one evening at the beach nearby. Spencer and I shared a lobster roll and clam chowder while Gwen munched on her beloved cherrios. This was Gwen’s second trip to the beach (first was to see the sunset at Natural Bridges in Santa Cruz). Spencer took her down to the water so she could feel the sand between her toes and put her feet in the Atlantic. We then watched the full moon rise over the water.
It was a lovely trip, but we are glad to be home. I am going to try and leverage the time change to get her to sleep a little earlier at night…we’ll see. There are a lot more photos, but here are a few.

Gwen looking a little sleepy, but enjoying those beads and her Nana

Gwen and her Great Uncle Michael

Nursing on the hammock at the Family BBQ
Gwen going crazy on the leather chair.