Friday, April 24, 2009
Baby's First Road Trip

Monday, April 20, 2009
Sweet Relief!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Whirled Peas
Gwen tried peas for the first time and isn't a big fan....yet. I used her baby food mill and this is the chunkiest food she has had so far, and let's face it, peas have a pretty distinct taste- certainly compared to banana and rice cereal. I have about a 1/4 of a cup made up, so we will be trying peas for a few more days before moving on. Also, over Easter weekend Gwen sprouted her second bottom tooth!
She has also started the beginning of crawling....good thing Mama is more mobile! On that note I get the rod taken out of my collar bone this Friday. I will have a 3 day recovery (or so) and am trying to prepare by cleaning the house and making up a pot of chili and some lentil soup to put in the freezer.....ambitious I know. I am so looking forward to having this rod out and moving on with life!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Happy Easter Bunny
Traveling with our bunny
Last night we stayed at Grandma's house for the first time since Thanksgiving. Since then Gwen has outgrown the bassinet feature of her pak n'play and we tried to get her to sleep in the bottom of it (what is basically a playpen). She was having nothing of it and ended up sleeping with us in the full size bed. Spencer and I were perched on either side of the bed while she lay stretched out in the middle....needless to say we didn't sleep well. We realize now that traveling with an older more interested inthe world (i.e distractable) Gwen, naps are a bit more challenging. I am posting this entry from the car in front of Grandma's since Gwen fell asleep in the car on the ride back from our Easter Egg hunt. She fussed and cried for the 35 minutes of the 40 minute drive before finally falling asleep. She has been napping in her carseat for an hour now, and still going strong- what we will do for sleep!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
What a Well Baby
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Hmmmm, Rice Cereal
Gwen is 6 months today! She had her first bite of 'solid' food- baby rice cereal mixed with breastmilk (1 tablespoon rice mixed with 3 tablespoons of breastmilk). It mixed up to a lumpy milky gruel...honestly it reminded me of spit up, especially since it smelled like milk. She only ate about half of it until she lost interest completely. Though, the spoon was a hit. Gwen actually has a tooth coming in (bottom center right) and she enjoyed chewing on the spoon (and nursing on it). I think 'real' food will be a lot more fun, we will try either avocado or banana this weekend :-)
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