She can tell I am going to lose it and says she will make the necessary appointments for an April 24th surgery and talk to Dr. Burri when he is in on Monday clarifying his note about March 20th. At least this will get me in the surgical que and if there is a cancellation they will bump me to a sooner date. After getting off the phone and taking a few deep breathes I realized it wouldn't be the end of the world if I had this stupid rod in my clavicle for an extra month....just really annoying, and not what I expected. What is more important in my recovery is being able to walk, and this ridiculous surgical time line has nothing to do with my weight bearing status. I think that March 20th note in my chart was probably Dr. Burri wanting to see me around that time to x-ray my leg and assess it so he can clear my non-weight bearing status and get me started on physical therapy. Which probably means I will have to go to Kaiser Oakland at least 3 more times...Spencer is going to love that. It means him taking a half day at work (assuming it is an afternoon appointment) and I think we tapped out his vacation time- and he just had a launch, so leaving work in the next 30 days will be a challenge for him...
Enough of the rant...this is what Gwen has to say about the whole thing: