This September has been so productive and by that I mean crazy busy! I am officially back to school part time working on my Masters in Public Administration at NDNU. I have a Thursday night class- Human Resources Management which is surprising very interesting, and Tuesdays are my homework night were I escape to Red Rock in Mountain View (I like them because they are a non-profit coffee shop). It has been so nice to rejoin the realm of intellectual conversation.
Gwen and I started GymKids this month which is a lot of fun! It is basically a padded room with baby obstacle courses, providing a safe environment for bay to explore and try things you normally would be freaked out about. Gwen walked across this horizontal ladder holding my hand which was amazing- oh, did I mention Gwen started walking!!!!!! She has been taking a few steps since she was about 10.5 months, but she up and walked across the room on my birthday (Monday 9/7). Hopefully I will get it together to post some walking baby zombie video soon.
We ALSO started our second session of Music Together which looks to be a good group of Mom’s and babies and I love the teacher- I am still warming up to the new music. AND Gwen has been doing Parent/Tot swim with Spencer on Saturdays this month which his super cute.
Needless to say we have been busy!
Regarding the Figs- our friends Amanda and Nelson have been sharing with us their very plentiful harvest of Mission figs and what I am going to call California figs (pictured). Gwen loves figs! That is what is squished on the floor in the picture below. I made a ton of fig jam which I must say is pretty good- if anyone is interested we have a lot of it!